We have some rights, right?

D’art Duvar is registered in
The Netherlands under the
following credits.
Dutch Chamber of Commerce number: 64867528
VAT Number: NL001115687B39

D’art Duvar
Sophiastraat 102,
6882 NN, Velp
The Netherlands
E: bizejazz@dartduvar.com
T: +31(0)26 382 87 20

terms & conditions
customer service

All the creations made under D’art Davur belong to designer Gökhan Yeter. It cannot be shared, reproduced, or offered for sale in any way without permission. D’artduvar allows you to share the artworks on your social media channels. That goes for any of the artworks presented on www.dartduvar.com or www.instagram.com/dartduvar. Although, you can not make changes and modify the artwork according to your requirement and include them into design works such as websites, printed material and others. You are not permitted or do not have the rights to resell, sub-license or redistribute the artwork on its own, even for free or as a separate attachment from any of your work.

© D’artDUVAR | 2020

Thank you.